Level 42 had been a British pop band that had been active in the '80's and charted a couple of hits. Title 42, on the other hand had been a Trump-era program that allow the government to deport individuals based in a prospective health risk during the pandemic. Now that covid has been dissipating and Trump is no longer in Office, the decision was made by the Biden Administration to remove the last impediment to what would become a frontier with virtually no resistance to transit. When the order finally expires later this month, a flood of humanity, perhaps many thousands in active sectors of the border.

Was this result not predicted ? An open border could have only had this outcome. That being said, as the final day approaches, the Administration is realizing that it is getting what it had asked for, though possibly not to this extent. In any event, the government is deploying some 1,500 troops to assist in the Customs and Border Patrol and what is left of Homeland Security.

In the beginning, Biden had options and had he wanted to, have prevented the consequences that have bedeviled him. These consequences have been Administration policy, however and the logic is that this flood of illegals will one day be reliable Democrat voters. millions of them to this point. That is how Texas will turn Blue.

In the grand scheme if things, this troop deployment is not even incidental. The most effective measure for border security would be a wall and, had President Trump won re-election, the wall would have been operational. But that is not the current President. He has been told of the advantages of having an open line and who is he to dis-agree. He is sending 1,500 troops after all.


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