(Priorities. . .)
Killing people and breaking things. That would be the job description for anybody who goes into the Armed Forces. At least, that is the description when troops are deployed to combat. Before committing to such an engagement, however, extensive training is required. There are sites across the country, so called "forts" that specialize in that training. For the infantry. the ordinary foot soldier, his and her instruction takes place at Fort Benning, Georgia.. If one wants more protection and enlists in the Armor, he and she would train in Fort Hood, Texas. Some supplemental armor war games are played out at Fort Irwin, California.
The training organization in the Army Department is the Training and Doctrine Command. It is this echelon that makes infantry from Benning. armor from Hood and Irwin, combat proficient. So. when the National Command Authority orders American forces into harms' way, one can hope the appropriate level of training has been instilled into whatever combat question.
Or, is that still true ? Both Fort Benning and Fort Hood are getting their names changed because they were named for Confederate Generals, Benning has been re-named Fort Moore. Fort Hood is now Fort Cavalos. Fort Bragg has been re-branded Fort Liberty. And, there are other posts similarly named and will also soon be re-branded.
However, this exercise is missing the point. Just like the need to topple Confederate statues, so all these base re-naming's are fulfilling the other compulsion to change history. But is all this being done at the expense of combat readiness ? Perhaps those in control should concern themselves less what name is on official Post letterhead and more on whether its troops still know how to kill people and break things.
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