Shadow Players

(Shadow Players)

Millions of people enjoyed Tom Clancy novels, and his main protagonist, Jack Ryan. Ryan, while working with the CIA and eventually rising to Deputy Director of Intelligence (DDI) had a storied career at Langley, among the more significant was the securing of Soviet ballistic missile submarine Red October, with its unique and virtually silent propulsion system. Later, Ryan arranged foe the defection of no less than the Chairman of the KGB at the time. Finally, when special forces teams were inserted into Columbia and were left there by higher authorities, it was Ryan that arranged for their extraction. Then, by odd political fortune, Ryan was named National Security Adviser and was able be calming voice when, after a terrorist detonated a nuclear weapon in Denver, and he was made President himself when his predecessor was killed when a vengeful Japanese pilot flew his 747 into the Capitol building and killing most inside.

In any event, the Jack Ryan CIA was a noble organization whose agents took Oaths to defend the Constitution against all threats, foreign or domestic. At the same time, however, the Central Intelligence Agency is also a part of official Washington, a central element of the swamp and President Trump was deemed a "domestic" threat to the Constitution. So, when Anthony Blinken presented those former intelligence officials with the Hunter Biden lap-top and how it could be the then Vice President's chances to become President.

If anything, however, Trump is not fading and, if anything, he is surging. That CNN Town Hall the other night did nothing to dampen an increasing enthusiasm for the former President. Trump was receiving cheers from what was supposed to be a hostile audience. All that being said, Donald Trump will not be allowed to stand as President, again. While the former intelligence official card has been played, there has to be other options.

Zuckerburg still has his contribution. Democrats still ballot harvest and do it infinitely better than Republicans. Donald Trump is seeking to broaden his support among GOP voters he lost but President Biden, if Trump is the Republican Nominee, again, he will lose. Again. Despite what CNN might do for him.


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