Woh Pays Who ?

 (Who Pays Who ?)

Traditionally, law enforcement has been portrayed in entertainment media in a positive light, Adam 12, Barney Miller, Dragnet, Law & Order and so on. Unfortunately, there have been several incidents between law enforcement and the minority community. These interactions, which resulted in the deaths of some African-American individuals, created a mythology between police and minority communities that engendered a "defund the police movement." There has been riots and loss of life and destruction of private property and a series of crime spikes in Democrat-run cities as it became politically desirable to constrain local police departments.

Such initiatives have been promoted by urban Democrats who have their own agenda. But what about Republicans ? In dealing with the corruption in the FBI, national GOP can blame the agency for exceeding its mandate. The J. Edgar Hoover Building has become a rogues' gallery, In years, however, it was thought necessary by some for the FBI, and the Justice Department more broadly, to exceed its mandate and actively take a role in politics. When Donald Trump began to become more formidable, the Hillary Clinton Campaign was able to use its connections with the Bureau and while her own bid for the White House was not successful, but the eventual defeat of Trump was.

Because the FBI and Company influenced he 2020 Election and the "political rot" is so pervasive within the Agency, there have been Congressional calls to de-fund the Bureau. The FBI leadership is so corrupt and a change in leadership is required but beyond that, a change in culture is also needed. 

And what about the next election ?


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