Fourth Estate Sale

(Fourth Estate Sale)

The bread and butter of the national media in recent years has been Donald Trump. There has been a tag-team partnership between the media and anti-Trump elements within the Justice Department with charges being brought in one jurisdiction or another and the media rushes to cover, hoping that one more nail into the Trump coffin.

These are not journalists, however. What is called the national media these days can be labeled as left-wing activists with their unique anti-Trump pathologies. There is a palpable sense of frustration as Trump is under all this jeopardy but he is not acting as such. After his indictment in Miami, the former President went to a cafe. He then flew back to Bedminster in New Jersey and rendered remarks.

That being said, the more desperate elements in the media are floating the possibility that all this Trump persecution could achieve the one result that so much effort is being applied to prevent, Trump's return to the White House. It had been remarked that Trump could be made a martyr and could import some benefit going forward.

There are obviously two tracks to this story, the legal where the former President did break the law but and perhaps more significantly, there is the political angle. It will be the media, with the probable exception of Fox News, that will be "covering" the story but from the leftist bias that will be on full display.

That bias will also be evident in the lack of coverage over the President's bribery investigation. The media played its role in putting Biden in the White House in the first place. Now, with all the news surrounding Donald Trump and the media's part in pursuing it, the second part would be to put Biden into a second term but not one for Trump.


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