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How many times will Democrats trick Republicans into the Briar Patch, like Brer Rabbit ? The GOP has been out-maneuvered on abortion and now are about to be conned into impeaching the President. Again, the question needs to be asked, The position of "Life" is central to a conservative ideology that most Republicans ascribe to. So, when abortion bans were made law in several states, as they were predicted to do, there was an electoral cost in the Mid-Terms.
Now, the Republican House is gearing up for impeaching President Biden. If one has the philosophy of Life where is one to go in the wake of damning testimony over the Biden Family racket. Remember, President Trump was impeached over a phone call to the Ukrainian President but what should the reaction be when it is becoming increasingly evident that the President was an active participant in various bribery allegations. Is this rising to so-called "high crimes and mis-demeanors" as listed in the Constitution ?
If impeachment proceedings are initiated by the GOP House, however justified they might be, it will be the Republicans that will suffer a political toll. The President's defenders will coalface and make Speaker McCarthy and the House GOP Conference. Whatever momentum might have been going to Trump will evaporate and Joe Biden will get his second term.
So, the Constitution starts getting ignored by Republican as well as Democrats because one side, like the other had some time ago, because all of a sudden following its precepts has become politically non-convenient ? But not voting Impeachment Articles is that very admission that the Constitution is no longer valid. Which would be a step too far. If the President is to be shown that no one is above the law, all evidence to the contrary, and is to be held accountable, the Constitution does describe a remedy, despite its potential costs.
American Politics has become a revolving door. As each Party ascends or falls the instinct for political vengeance is all but overwhelming. Donald Trump has been the poster child for these activities. Trump's only sin is that he was himself. President Biden's situation is more complex.
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