In Defense Of The United States ?
(In Defense Of The United States ?)
In 1981, just as Ronald Reagan was beginning his term as President, CBS' Dan Rather narrated a series called "The Defense of the United States" where the newsman profiled the state of the American armed services going into a new Administration and coming off the trauma of Vietnam and also in anticipation of Reagan's expected arms build up. Rather profiled the Soviet threat both at the strategic level and at the more tactical with the NATO/Warsaw Pact relationship.
The question "In Defense of the United States" now is more problematic to answer. With the global situation as it is, the possibility of an escalation increasing. If American troops are deployed to theater, will this force be combat capable ? The answer here would not be obvious and there are several factors into the reasons for that. Why would recruitment be down for all Branches ? It would seem that the Pentagon, along with the rest of the government, has been subjected to the same social engineering tendencies of the Biden Administration.
The new Chief of Naval Operations is a woman, Admiral Lisa Franchetti. The new Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, an Air Force General, Charles Brown Jr, who is black, Now, one would hope that these officers have been posted to these critical positions because of Merit. But General Brown at least has said that his focus in running these departments will be "the drive to diversity." The Department of Defense will be embracing its own DEI agenda which can compromise the effectiveness in the field. This is a collection of officers that can virtue signal now but how will that matter in a shooting war with the Chinese ?
There is someone who is getting it right, however. Texas Governor, Greg Abbot has begun strewing a line of buoys across the Rio Grande, hopefully impeding crossing from Mexico. In this weather, where San Antonio temperatures have broken 100ยบ daily for the past month and one can imagine the misery at the border. So, all those wanting to make that swim, try to manage over one of those blockages.
It goes without saying that Texas has been encountering resistance that the buoys are bad for the environment and impede immigration. Welcome to Texas. The Lone Star State has always been a front line of sorts. But when command cadres at the Pentagon seek political correctness over combat readiness, at least Texas has the sense to defend itself. By extension, in defense of the United States.
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