Participation Trophys
(Participation Trophies)
Nobody can ever have hurt feelings. In any human interaction, there are winners and losers. In any game of dodgeball, there are those that ejected early and those remaining fight it out to "last man standing." However, there is sympathy for those that get thrown out because the feelings might be hurt. So, to remedy that, the losers get trophies too.
The objective truth is that some really suck at sports and these are the ones that perhaps should pursue a more cerebral interest. Like Chess. Chess always has a defined winner. It would be interesting to see how one who might be good at dodgeball would manage playing chess ? Participation by itself is sufficient and is worthy of some regard. Usually some token of esteem.
But happens when one doesn't participate ? President Biden, who could have known there was cocaine in the White House, is selling Bidenomics (why the jobs report was so anemic last Friday). The White House is under federal injunction to limit contact with Big Tech. And, in regard to his re-election campaign, Biden is skipping the Iowa Caucus and the New Hampshire Primary and taking it straight to South Carolina.
Naturally, some Democrats, notably in New Hampshire, are not amused at the actions of the President and the broader Democratic National Committee. State law mandates that the New Hampshire Primary "must place seven days before any other contest." In other words, the Granite State must vote before the Palmetto State by a week.
Otherwise, Biden could be off the ballot in New Hampshire and that would translate to Iowa as well. So, in the first two contests, the Democrat President of the United States might not even be on the ballot. But would show up ? Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Marianne Willimson. And, if he proves willing, perhaps Governor Newsome.
President Biden is taking a lot for granted. That being said, Iowa and New Hampshire are more than mere formalities. These states are an integral part to a process whose end result is the Democrat Nomination. By by-passing these contests, he will be losing whatever delegates he could have attained in both states. In the long run, that could cost him.
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