Please, Cry For Me Argentina !
(Please, Cry For Me Argentina !)
How vexing it must be to find out that a gender-studies degree from an elite Ivy League has proven not as markable as one might have been originally believed. But, the cost of such an education is pricy and if one is unable to work in the field, how would one be able to address the various loans and grants, amounting to thousands of dollars. However, if one could come and discharge said obligations, the financial heath of said individuals would be markedly improved. That is what the Biden Administration attempted with the Student Loan Foreverness, that was just struck down by the Supreme Court.
What is the re-course to all those who will have to re-start paying interest of the loan come October ? But the President is anticipating some kind of end run. No longer is the Supreme Court the ultimate arbiter of American jurisprudence. If a ruling is not popular, one can ignore it. Biden, who has been saying that SCOTUS is not normal and had mis-interpreted the Constitution when it invalidated the policy of forgiving that $480 billion.
One can put aside any question of fairness and everyone will readily admit the idea is not fair. For every one who was granted this deferment, there are hundreds, if not thousands, that settled the debt. And of course, there are all those that never went to college. They were also on the hook. And, truth be told, all those who were "eligible," were under no real financial hardship.
But they vote. The only long term remedy would be to stack the Supreme Court, making any so-called conservative majority irrelevant. If one can recall what the inception of the Biden Administration promised where there would be un-limited Senate rule changes that would allow the Democrat Majority to steamroll the removal of the filibuster, make D.C. and Puerto Rico states with two more reliably Democrat Senators apiece. And, the Supreme Court would get that face-lift that is so urgently needed. Otherwise, Biden could be struck down again.
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