Questions Of Biology
(Questions Of Biology)
There was a time when a man could be a man and a woman a woman and that was called a good arrangement. On occasion, gender reversal procedures have been sought by individuals and there are various steps to said procedures. Where one has to demur, however, is when one takes his own sex and attempts to interact in the activity of the other. That is the whole men, and they are men with all the physical attributes of men, which means they are able to outperform their female competition. In other words, they win. And at the collegiate level winning is everything. But, as final word, men should not run in women's sports.
Tere is more biology that can be considered. As there are defined differences between a man a woman, there also defined Presidential grandchildren. However, whenever sex becomes inconvenient biology, so blood can become inconvient politically. President Biden has seven grandchildren but because Hunter's daughter has become a liability for his father, she, and her mom, have been declared personas non gratis.
How would it be for a child to be growing up with the full knowledge that for reasons of political "necessity, " she gets rejected by her own grandfather who can't even confirm is she is alive. The media is finding this unseemly. How cynical must one be to have a President reject her ? She is not at an age where she can fully understand but when she grows up ?
Most people find the affair un-seemly and have not been accepting the Administration's reasoning. Crass politics is not something that recommends itself but that apparently is the only game the Biden's can play.
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