Better Models ?
(Better Models ?)
On August 6th, 1945, at about a quarter after eight local time, B-29 Enola Gay released an atomic device code named Little Boy over Hiroshima, Japan. The bomb detonated some 1,500 feet over the ground with a yield of some 15 kilotons. The city was devastated and tens of thousands were killed, either from prompt or delayed effects. But Little Boy's weapons' grade material was U-235. Acquiring that material in quantity was a long and labor-intensive process and there was a practical limit to its yield. Plutonium, on the other hand, is easier to produce and its detonation method was altered. Little Boy was set off when two pieces of material were violently forced together, making a critical mass. Plutonium, on the other hand, gets compressed to a series of explosive lenses to a state of super-criticality. This had been the design used at Trinity that went off at 21-25 kilotons and then, as the Mark 4 nuclear weapon, was dropped on Nagasaki on August 9th.
Say President Biden is a mass of U-235. He can still detonate with the strength of an atomic bomb but, like at Hiroshima, the yield would not get much beyond 15 kilotons. For the Democrats, who would become the Mark 4, with its own plutonium core ? The President is under investigation. There is open discussion that he could be impeached. at least out of the House. However, in what has been a recurring theme in recent months as to how long Biden will remain viable ? One that could be done, and is being done now, the President's public presence is being curtailed with the White House press pool being cut so the media attention would stay on Donald Trump.
To say there is not a Democrat bull pen at this point is not paying attention to the news and is not seeing the President in public, which can be painful. In those smoked filled rooms of upper Democrat echelons, strategy sessions are probably on-going on how to replace Biden. Allowing a conviction in the Senate had been one idea. Vice President Harris could then be dis-carded herself.
That being said, whomever the Democrats choose, be it not President Biden, the prospective candidate must have only two qualities. That he can beat Donald Trump, and that he (or she) did not have fish for dinner.
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