Made In China ?

(Made In China ?)

Baby it's hot outside. At an expected high of 103° today. one has several ways to keep cool. One can keep the central air cranked down to 70° but that could blow out the system and this not the time to lose air conditioning. Ceiling fans are an option but unless they are tuned to the right level, one might have to constantly be up to adjust for comfort. However, if one were to be old fashioned, get a hand fan. One was acquired a few weeks ago and. while it initially did its job, it then broke. It had been a rendition of Van Goh's Starry Night when the stem snaped off. It had been in-expensive but it also was made in China.

According to reports, the over-all Chinese economy is not doing well, at least is not growing like it needs to. At well over a billion people, the Peoples' Republic requires a vibrant growth but as a command economy, the Chinese Communist Party's grip on power might not seem so absolute.

August 16th is a double anniversary, both connected to President Biden and China. The first would be the American surrender of Afghanistan. A U.S. presence on China's western border had been an inconvenience to Beijing. But the Chinese swept the board in the American withdrawal expelling an adversary but also forcing to abandon the best source of intelligence gathering on China and that was the abandonment of Bagram Air Base and billons of dollars of equipment. To China.

Afghanistan was a fiasco. And, as it happens, August 16 is also one year commemoration of the passage of the Inflation Reduction Act. The President himself had admitted the absurd misnomer. One of the reasons that Senator Manchin might be leaving the Democrat Party is because he had been conned into supporting the IRA, which is just massive climate spending.

President Biden is thinking he is working in a vacuum and he is operating on assumptions that are not generally shared. No one else would let go of Afghanistan in the manner in which it happened to the benefit of Beijing. His environmental spending and banning appliances, like air conditions in the summer. However, all this could make sense in one fashion.

This is what China is telling him to do.


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