Re-tirement Home

(Re-tirement Home)

It can be a mark of leadership when a leader in advanced age has the wisdom to step aside. the Roman Emperor Nerva had been a consensus choice in the aftermath of the death of Emperor Nero and the political chaos that followed. Nerva was aged himself and was content to serve only two years as Emperor. He did nominate a successor and made him his heir, the one who would become known as the Emperor Trajan.

 There are today many politicians that are old like Nerva and like the Roman Emperor, should perhaps step aside. President Biden has been a clear example for some time. Also, Senate Republican Leader, Mitch McConnell (R-KY) is having cognitive issues of his own, seemingly freezing while speaking. The Senator did have a fall some time ago so that be a contributing factor. Senator Diane Feinstein is also in advanced years and is having difficulty.

That being said, removing any of these individuals from Office would have profound political consequences. As compromised as President Biden might be, he would still beat Donald Trump. If Biden is quietly "retired," however, and Kamala Harris is elevated to the Oval Office, could she beat the Republican Nominee, as if now still likely to be Trump ?

Or Senator McConnell ? If he steps aside, his Republican seat would be filled by Kentucky's Democrat Governor and with Senate numbers as they are with Democrats with their Majority, and if they could add that Republican seat to the Democrat Caucus and that could facilitate that much discussed Rule Changes.

The composition of the Supreme Court is also tenuous, as Justice Thomas is also advanced in years but his remaining at SCOTUS is similar to what would happen if Senator McConnell leaves his seat. The effect at the High Court might be mitigated somewhat as there are three other "conservatives," unless a McConnell departure allows for Court packing by the Senate.

So, one sees old people, well past the prime. However, any ride off into the sunset has to be delayed because these people, as old and infirm as they might be, they still occupy critical positions and as long as they still breathe, they will have to stay where they are.


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