The Game Plan. . .
(The Game Plan. . .)
It had been stated that there was campaign interference in 2020 because there had to be. There will also be interference next year for the same reason; Donald Trump. Far from being able to relegate the former President to obscurity, the endless indictments and up coming trials have only increased the Republican's potency. The showman that Trump is, the key for Democrats would be to limit Trump's visibility. One way to do that would be to keep him in court. Ensure the proceedings are not expedited and keep there, with a sullen look.
Trump is his own worst enemy and when he is facing these legal challenges, he is not saying what he would do for the economy, how he would restore American energy dominance. He would try to cut taxes, or he would make his own permanent. At least, that is what he would be saying if he were out campaigning. There is the media narrative over Mr. Trump, one that is subscribed to by the Justice Department.
Recently, Trump had a tirade against President Biden, calling his "intelligence" and failures of character. As accurate as Trump's analysis might be, it misses his broader point. Trump has a script and the closer he is able to keep to that script, the better off he is. The Democrat response to that would be to keep Trump from that script and to elicit outbursts like from the other day.
Keep Trump speaking about how he "won" in 2020. Provoke his volatile qualities. Get him into those courtrooms before the Iowa Caucus. In any Presidential effort, the first four states, Iowa, New Hampshire, Nevada, then South Carolina are the most critical and set the stage for how the balance of the campaign can go. If Trump can be otherwise occupied during this formative period, then these states might not prove a Trump sweep.
What is the school of thought if these collective legal challenges to Trump do force an all but suspension of his campaign. On one hand, Democrats get want they want, a Republican Party where Trump will not be their Nominee. The confidence remains high that President Biden could still beat Trump. If that is the case, however, why the effort and such lengths, legal and otherwise, to ensure the isolation of one who has no chance to become President again. Right ?
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