The Greatest Show On Earth !
(The Greatest Show On Earth !)
As a kid, one might remember a trip to the circus. That is why so many today have a deathly fear of clowns, The most extravagant exhibition had been the Ringling Brothers, Barnam & Baily shows. These travelling wonders went from town to town with acrobats, with and without nets, the aforementioned clown horror and elephants. Then, a few years ago, some animal activists sued the Circus claiming it was cruel to the elephants. The big attractions were retired and that ended the draw for most Americans. Fortunately, these elephants were able to be put back to work in short order, becoming spokes placoderms for the Republican Party.
So, if there is no more circus to attend. what now could become the newest Greatest Show on Earth ? Televising the trial of former President Trump. To be sure, such a proceeding would be chaotic and that is generally why most court operations are not televised. Trump's trial will have to be. If the Department of Justice wants to be seen as fair, that the Trump prosecutions are beyond a political witch hunt, that the former President has been in violation of statute and was therefore subject to incarceration.
However, if Special Prosecutor Jack Smith keeps everything behind closed doors and relies only on media leaks without context, then the conclusions the public is supposed to draw will still be subject to wild theories among endless punditry and still view the whole Smith inquiry a wholly political exercise.
There is little to gain by a secret trial. If Trump is the threat everyone is proclaiming, and he will probably be defeated next year in any event, why all the Herculean efforts to confront him now ? If one were to guess, it would appear that Donald Trump is not too popular. That would go without saying. One can, however, understand the "threat" Trump can represent. But if that threat is more than he might beat President Biden, who is having his own problems, it should come out in court. Court TV that is.
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