Capping Vesuvius
(Capping Vesuvius)
Anybody who has seen the Pompei exhibit, like when it makes an appearance at the New Work MET, knows that the display is several "preserved" bodies, so made because in A.D. 79, the volcano Vesuvius, located a few miles from the Roman town of Pompei. erupted and the resulting pyroclastic flow buried the town. preserving its inhabitants.
Far from being a volcano, Joe Biden is currently listless. Not all the residents of Pompei perished, some escaped when it was becoming clear that the mountain was becoming active. Powers that be thought it best that Biden leave the city and thus miss the catastrophe.
The "catastrophe" is that the unthinkable is happening. In the same vein of believing that Vesuvius would not erupt after all, at least nowhere near the disaster of A.D. 79. In other words, there is now a serious effort being played behind the scenes to replace the Biden-Harris ticket.
Biden's decline has been obvious for some time bit the question is how much that might accrue to Trump's benefit ? There are many who believe that such an outcome is still not possible but, if that were all true, why is there the effort from the Justice Department to impose a gag order on the former President. Why would he be considered enough of a threat where his silence would be mandated ?
One can say that are no saints here. President Biden is facing bribery and influence peddling charges. Trump is dealing with all the stuff that will keep him in court for a fair part of next year. Even Bob Menendez has all his crap that he allegedly did and, he is defiantly resisting his calls to resign.
With all this going on, some might think these are the "End Times." Surely, the Book of Revelation has a vague reference to Donald Trump. But, one has to admit that it has been an extreme reversal of fortune. That being said, one must remember that no vote has been counted yet. It remains to be seen if the Democrats will be compelled to hold a Primary and remaining Republicans, the ones attending the Simi Valley debate on Wednesday, will begin to see their actual ratings in the broader Donald Trump context.
Not even Nostradamus could predict these outcomes.
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