Paradigm Shift ?

(Paradigm Shaft ?)

General Jack Keane is the former Deputy Chief of Staff of the U.S. Army. He is also the current military analyst on Fox News. He has been a supporter of the Ukraine War and is seeing how Isarel and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia are seeking closer ties. Motivated self-interest as a nuclear Iran is looming large. However, if Israeli/Saudi relations do get normalized, like the Abraham Accords that Israel concluded with the Gulf States and some in Africa at the behest of the last Administration. Near East Peace could become a the most geo-strategic reality since the Parting of the Red Sea.

However, perhaps more significant as far as everything else is concerned is the new Washington POST/ABC Poll that has former President Trump, one of the progenitors of the Arab Israeli rapprochement is now beating President Joe Biden 52-42%. Beginning last spring and up until today, it had been the expressed opinion that Donald Trump could not be elected President again, that the Democrat Machine that had proven so effective just over two years ago would still be in place. So, what chance does the former President really have ?

Conventional wisdom has always held that President Biden could defeat Trump and that is why he is the preferred contender from the Republican side. Biden had beat him once so why not see if lightning strikes twice ? Since then, however, every Biden policy has mis-fired. However. these policies have been deliberate. The open border, his war on fossil fuels, Afghanistan and so on. Biden is facing that impeachment that is closing in on malfeasance. President Biden has become damaged goods and his so-called "brand," is sure to suffer.

To be sure and taken in the context of other polls, a Real Clear Average as an example, this Trump sampling could be considered an outlier. That being said, however, this ten-point margin for Trump was taken among "registered" voters. Come fall next year, and so-called "likely" voters get polled, it will be interesting to see Trump's numbers then.

It is easy to see why Trump would be ahead at this point. If Joe Biden was elected to be the anti-Trump, so Trump in turn will prove the anti-Biden. There is some thought that Trump might visit a UAW picket line where he could assure them that, if he were elected, again, he could bury Biden's green agenda and drop mandates for electric cars. He has promised to end Biden's war on fossil fuels and instead work back in the direction of energy independence. As a businessman and experience as an ex-President himself and provided he is re-elected, he would be able to correct the mistakes of last time.

Like Shalamar once said:  Second time around.


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