Pay-Offs, Rip-Offs (things nobody saw)

{(Pay-Offs, Rip-Offs (things nobody saw)}

Remember, it is alright to cheat as long as one does not get caught. That being said, the list of politicians who believed they could skirt the law, take financial liberties, and profit beyond what one gets compensated by being in Office. One must recognize temptation, however. That apparently has been the case with President Biden who is under investigation for bribery and influence peddling and also Senator Bob Melendez who has actually been charged with some five counts of what amounts to the same thing.

There seems to be an allowance for certain Democrat office-holders that permits certain Democrats to act "naughty." Former President Bill Clinton serves as the best example of this outlook. This would also be the attitude of President Biden and now Senator Melendez. There is the belief that the media can provide cover because they are on the same side, more or less. Of course, there is still Hunter Biden in the background.

Unfortunately for them, honest district attorneys and prosecutors do exist and one from the Southern District of New York, the same office that has Donald Trump in sights, is accusing the senior Senator from the Garden State as well as his wife. Melendez chairs the Senate Foreign Relations Committee and used that position to secure favorable outcome for Egypt and received gold and a luxury car, and so on. As the Senator was dealing with other parties, that adds conspiracy to the list. Serious time could be involved.

Melendez is a special case, however. The charges are sufficiently grievous that, if convicted, the long-term New Jersey politician could actually go to jail. It is probable that in the near term, he could be expelled from the Senate or he could resign. If that has to happen in prompt order, that will deprive Majority Leader Schumer of a critical vote, assuming Senator Fetterman can dress himself.

Melendez can be a cautionary tale in that the more blatant behavior is, consequences would not necessarily be out of the question. That can apply to Hunter Biden and even his father. The alleged crimes are similar in both cases namely influence peddling. Senator Melendez got into this much trouble and he is just a Senator. Now imagine if one is the President of the United States ? 


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