The View Over The Mountain

(That View Over The Mountain)

India had been the Jewel in the Crown of the British Empire, replacing what had been the remnants of the Moghul Empire. Such a vast piece of real estate needed an accurate survey taken. The one placed in charge was one named George Everest. Using a series of triangulation techniques, Everest worked his way up the sub-continent. At one point, mountains, the tallest anyone had seen. These were the Himalayas and its tallest peak came to be known as Mount Everest.

Now, technically, Mount Everest lies within the confines of the Nepal/Tibet region. And, if one makes it to the summit, one hears the view is tremendous. If one looks to the northeast, from almost thirty thousand feet up, one can gaze several hundred miles into the Peoples' Republic of China. One who would be quite familiar with that view would be India.

The Sino-Indian relationship is one of the most important in all of Asia. India is now the nation with the largest population, surpassing even China. As it happens, New Delhi is sponsoring the G-20 of which President Biden is an attendee. It is always problematic to have the President in public and it is even worse if all he wants to talk about is climate change. That being said, Biden does have an opportunity here. India, despite its large population. India is a democracy after a sort. If one wanted to rotate American economic involvement from reliance on China and transition to doing business with India, ostensibly an ally, the first steps could be offered at this conference.

It has already been mentioned that neither China, nor Russia, are making an appearance. But China is now limiting Apple iPhone distribution which is damaging the parent company. The President could encourage Apple to move production to this less hostile environment in India. Such a negotiation could prove beneficial and it would be a tangible achievement, one the President could return with a "win"

But Russia and China are not in India this time because they didn't need to be. President Biden has been an open book for some months. His physical and cognitive frailty and his bad polices speak volumes as to his state of mind. Which is found wanting. India is playing host but that would only be a matter of politeness. That being said, India, and for that matter China and Russia, are fully aware that the world is not a polite place. That view off the northeast face of Everest, can be scary.


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