Which Way Is Up ?

(Which Way Is Up ?)

What had been the raison d' etre of the Biden Administration ? For Biden, it had always been the Green New, Bidenomics, and massive taxing and spending regimes. While the President has hailed those policies as evidence of his genius, the rest of the country is less sanguine about things. The President is under an impeachment inquiry. Son Hunter is finally under federal indictment. The UAW is still on strike. Oil is now above $90 a barrel and the gas average gas will soon be back over four. Inflation has proven to be stubborn with new numbers for PPI and CPI. And of course the President's age and the need to replace him, in short order is being examined. Anything missed ?

The President had the advantage early on of a very friendly Congress and was able to push through his green agenda but that was coupled with his j'ihad against fossil fuels, his insistence on a green transition at all costs, the coercive demand that the Big Three automakers began the production of electric vehicles despite their un-popularity or a lack of marketability. That apparently does not matter to the President. He has been told by others that his can be a great crusade for the environment, that he can be joined in the pantheon of other environmental extremists like Al Gore or John Kerry. Being told the world will end if not for his efforts, an ego like the President's would go to any length to fulfill this destiny.

Which would require the bank-roll. Fortunately, during the time he were Vice President, now President Biden, was able to take advantage of the various commercial ventures in place by his son Hunter from China, Kazakhstan, Romania, Russia, and the Ukraine, from which the now President benefitted, greatly. It has been these benefits from these transactions and evidence thereof that is the source of the House investigations into bribery and influence peddling with evidence of wrongdoing being accumulated. And, Hunter Biden himself being indicted on gun charges.

That is the basis for impeachment but the President has a record that he could not run on, of his re-election is still being considered, still by some. Bidenomics is a failure. His Green New Deal is a failure like the mis-named Inflation Reduction Act. The border, crime, these areas are in chaos but that would be by Biden's design. Take the UAW stoppage as an example. The President's ultimate goal is the elimination of the gas-powered car. The cars that are assembled in Detroit. In insisting that all vehicles be electric in the future, will in the long run end the auto industry and millions of workers will lose their jobs. The President does not seem to care. Nothing but ill has been the result of Biden's self-proclaimed policy. Inflation, energy and otherwise, is still an issue.

And of course, there is the President's age and detiortation. Polling has been suggesting that a majority of respondents see Biden as too old and that is including Democrats. There is a time issue with this consideration. Biden will need to be replaced before Vice President Harris takes the Oval Office. But any attempt to replace Mrs. Harris could compromise the black vote.

Which now leads to only one conclusion, un-thinkable only months ago. Former President Trump is now leading President Biden in some polls and is even ahead in the all-important state polls. All the indictments, the charges, the "Mug Shot," have all contributed in enhancing Trump's position. In 2020, Biden had been able to slay a dragon. It could now appear that some dragons only hibernate. 


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