Whose Revolution Will Be Televised ?

(Whose Revolution Will Be Televised ?)

President Biden has been compared to Roman Emperors. He can also be compared to an Egyptian Pharaoh. A king from the Eighteenth Dynasty, Amenhotep IV, upon succeeding to the Throne adopted the name Akanaten or "One who worships the Aten," symbolized by a disk shape, like the sun. The Aten was a monotheistic replacement to what had been the polytheistic pantheon of Egyptian deities that had been worshipped since the times of the Old Kingdom. Priests that had served in temples for generations suddenly found themselves out work.

Akanatan plunged the New Kingdom into chaos. He moved the Capitol to a new city called Armana. The average Egyptian who had grown up with the original gods were hesitant to suddenly beginning to revere the "Aten." However, they were not given a choice. Like the American people under President Biden. Under his watch and as a direct result of his policies, oil is approaching $90 a barrel. He seems to be dismissing public aversion to acquiring an electric vehicle and at the same time, doing all he can to limit the availability of internal combustion engines all in the name of Biden's green agenda. 

Is the United States now in the habit of paying terrorists nine figures for the release of American hostages ? How has the open border been of benefit to anybody ? Biden and his attitudes have been destroying cities across the country. And, in a final bit of hubris, the President is feeling justified in all the financial gains he and his family acquired over the years. And that is the reason that an Impeachment inquiry has been initiated.

So, where will Donald Trump fit into all this ? President Biden has been pursuing unpopular policies to the dis-regard of the public interest. That will be revealed in these upcoming hearings that will probably be televised. The Trump trials will be no less a spectacle. The question is what will be the reaction of the average voter ? Will he or she be able to filter the noise and discern something resembling reality ?

Right now, they are living Biden's reality. They see the inflation, especially with food and gas prices. They see the illegal migrants swarming the nation. All these results are direct outcomes from the President's policies. The President will say that this is a transition to a green economy and that this "pain" is necessary in order to save the planet. That is not a universal assessment and people would have preferred to be asked. But, if one were a Roman Emperor or a Pharaoh, or an out of step President, that is just how things are done. 


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