Word Salad
(Word Salad)
Whenever there was something extraordinary that takes place, on occasion, the response would be "Don't you believe it !" Okay. Say that Trump poll with the former President is up ten points on the current President, has to be an outlier and there is no way in Hell it could be accurate. Another poll had Trump up by a similar margin but people are taking solace in an NBC sampling that had Biden and Trump tied at 46%,
That being said, however, in modern political contexts, things like polls or focus groups do not matter. The much-discussed Democrat machine can operate even without the President, or, for that matter, the Vice President. So, what is one to do when numbers, as questionable as they might be, show Biden behind and Harris even worse ? The objective has always been the defeat of Trump and the logic has always been that any Democrat could beat Trump. So, who do you think ?
There is a time factor in that there is a closing window to removing Biden/Harris ticket and replacing it with two alternatives. That would inevitably alienate some voters but the result would be the same. So, current polling notwithstanding and by design, one would have to conclude that the same machine that was so effective last time will in all likelihood be replicated next time.
So, it is appropriate to be skeptical about Trump's chances. He is still facing all those court dates and the sheer volume of the charges would indicate that he could be convicted of something, before Election Day. The ironic thing about that is that Trump's legal issues only seem to enhance his position. Whether that trend holds remains to be seen.
Over the last few election cycles, the claim is always made that this would be the most important election in history. That was said for 2016, where Trump was first elected. The Election of 2020 was critical to remove Trump and now 2024 holds the specter of Trump's possible return. Whomever wins a year November, will determine the future direction of the country and these visions are irreconcilable and which voters would prefer.
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