Everything, Everywhere (and all at once)
(Everything, Everywhere (and all at once)}
That was the name of a movie recently but, truth be told, art has been imitating life to a point not seen. Two wars, inflation, political turmoil in Washington, the open border and so on. Wast is being witnessed, however, is the abject inability of any effective leadership, with the possible exception of the Israeli Prime Minister. The world has too many balls in the air at the same time and there is no one able to bring things under control.
The Ukraine War is becoming the "Leopold" of international conflicts meaning that after hostilities erupted in Israel, Ukraine is being relegated to a side-show. As before, Ukraine continues to require aid form the West but when was the last time this War was in the news ? Moscow and Kiev no longer hold the spotlight and if there are no witnesses to view the carnage, it makes little sense for the carnage to continue. Some weeks ago, it was argued that by virtue of Russia's staying power, the war should be brought to a close. In any event, Western aid will in all likelihood be diverted to Israel, which is a more critical theater.
That being said, will Israel receive the support it would require going forward ? As with Ukraine, the Biden Administration has not been wholly forthcoming. The President did not want to provoke President Putin. This time the wild card is Iran and Biden does not want to assist Israel if it means a wider conflict with the Islamic Republic. He cannot have things both ways, however. Either he supports Israel with everything he can give them or he can make clear to Jerusalem that that his preference would be for a more humanitarian approach, let the relief trucks from Egypt move into Gaza and tone down the intensity or IDF ground operations. That would preclude any further ground assaults. Fortunately for the Israelis, that is not the President's decision.
Of course, one decision that has also yet to be made is who will be the next House Speaker ? It has been almost twenty days since Kevin McCarthy's ouster yet the Lower Chamber seems gripped with its own paralysis. Congressman Jordan lost support because some of his were giving death threats. Give me the Gaval or else was not an effective campaign strategy but that still leaves other Members, the newest, Congressman Byron Donalds (R-FL).
One of the things that the current situation is making abundantly clear is that borders matter. Ukraine and Israel were both violated when their borders were breached. The U.S. border has been open since Biden came into Office and that was by deliberate policy. The seven million or so that have come here illegally will one day all vote for Democrats. That being said, what these people have received to date on the efforts of Democrats has not been a Promised Land and in fact has barely been better than the squalor they left behind.
Winston Churchill once made the remark "Terrible Ifs Accumulate" and such a comment is perfectly accurate for the events ongoing. If Russia had not invaded Ukraine. If Hamas had not attacked Israel. If Republicans could choose a Speaker. If the border was more secure. Or, if Donald Trump had won re-election.
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