Hanging Separately

(Hanging Separately)

Benjamin Franklin once remarked in the lead-up to the Declaration of Independence that if "they do not hang together, they would all hang separately." In times of crisis, a unified effort removing partisanship is crucial. At the outset of the Second World War, when Winston Churchill became Prime Minister, one of the first things he did was to form a United Government, taking elements from both the Conservative and Labor Parties into a single body. That way, Number 10 and White Hall could execute war policy without devolving into the minutia of debate.

Similarly, the Israeli Government has also united into a singular governing whole where executive action, namely the destruction of Hamas, in Gaza. Prime Minster Netanyahu's Likud and Labor Parties coming together to wage war. The main attack is being readied at the moment and should imminently commence. It promises to a combined air-land battle not seen since the days if Yom Kippur. However, it must be said that the longer the offense is not activated, certain fighters could escape Gaza and be sheltered in Egypt. That is to say nothing of Palestinian refugees seeking Egypt's protection also.

Of course, if there are people hanging separately, it would be the House Republican Conference who have yet to choose a new Speaker. Majority leader Scalise is the odds-on favorite, so to speak, but even he has hold-outs. By some estimates, he is short by 20 votes. Considering how critical this time is, not just for House Republicans but indeed the world.

What if Ben Franklin had been a Matt Gaetz in the Continental Congress ? What would have happened had Winston Churchill did not form a unity government ? Or Netanyahu leaving all to be done with Likud alone ? These people did not have that option. If they tried, they would have failed to history's reckoning. These men were able to exhibit leadership. To stand above narrow self-interest and work for a common goal. For Franklin, it was declaring independence. For Churchill, it was winning World War II. For Netanyahu, it is destroying a terrorist group once and for all.

Another thing they had in common is that they were team players. When House Republicans come to the conclusion that they are a team and are supposed to be united in common interest, then that reasoning should motivate a coalescing. As mentioned the other day, time is limited, 


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