Irony. . .

 (Irony. . .)

Just in case one looked at a calendar today, October 24th is United Nations Day and for all the various days of commemoration U.N. Day is one of the most superfluous, especially with the state of the world. And, it can also be stated that the United Nations is one of the more anti-Sematic and anti-Israel organizations and today it wants to involve itself in the Israeli-Hamas conflict.

As one might know, whatever the U.N has in the way of authority comes from the Security Council. Secretary of State Blinken chaired the current session, reporting 33 Americans have been killed in the war. And, true to form, there has been condemnation of civilian atrocities by Hamas but, and this was a concession by the United States and the Biden Administration, Iran was not included in any Council communiqué. Like Biden requesting a delay in the Israeli offensive.

The link between Tehran and Palestinian terrorist organizations is all but definitive. As such, Iran is the head of the snake that must also be eliminated. As far as long-term solutions, one can begin by making Iran's behavior very expensive. Iran must be starved of oil revenue. Of course, the President has always had the option to reverse his energy policy and begin domestic drilling once again. That being said, more leases are being considered but Biden has decided that Venezuelan product is preferable.

In any event, the U.N. has failed in its mission of collective security. Like the League of Nations before it, the United Nations is singularly unable to keep global peace. It is only the nations of the Security Council and its five permanent members. However, one of those members, the USA has not been showing any leadership and is ceding concessions to Iran But things need to be made clear in regard to Anglo-Persian relations that the death of 33 Americans must be considered an act of war. Secretary Blinken has asked for outrage but until the U.S. is prepared to act on that outrage, then Iran will continue to dominate the conversation and Washington is marching to Tehran's tune.

As long as external concerns delay the Israeli push, as long as politics is being considered over military matters, the better it is for Hamas and Hezbollah. This lull is allowing fighters to re-deploy south and shore up the defenses so when the Israeli attack does materialize the terrain will be better prepared and raise the casualty count. That would necessarily include civilians.

So, what has the United Nations contributed other than being a piece of high rise real estate on the East River. Does Mayor Adams still need a homeless shelter ?


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