Black Friday. . .

(Black Friday. . ._)

Black Friday is the day after Thanksgiving Thursday. It is the start of the Christmas shopping season. And in years past before the advent of everything on-line, wandering around malls and stores worked off some of the weight invariably gained on Turkey Day. But with programs like Amazon Prime, one can get a Christmas list and have things under the tree by the next day.

That being said, President Biden is looking to make future "Black Friday's" really black. Using a seldom heard of Presidential authority that was passed during the Cold War where the Chief Executive could promote certain industries to ensure certain products get preference. In this case, the President wants to eliminate gas stoves for their electric counterparts. Now, as everybody knows, gas heats better than electric. But when has that ever mattered to Biden ?

So, the trend continues. Biden's "agreement" with China last week on banning further appliances. How long might it be before Biden decides electricity is bad for the environment ? So what ? Must one return so a pre-industrial life for the sake of environmental extremism, of which the  President is clearly a member ? Biden is always complaining about so-called MAGA Republicans but what of his own extreme point if view.

Across the shopping that will begin today, sone might be in the market for a space heater. Is the President limiting their options because of this fresh mandate ? How much more expensive would an electric heater cost as compare to one operated by gas ? And one must also consider that gas heats better than the plug in model.

How much longer will the phrase "now one is cooking with gas" be able to be used. And it is not just gas. There is a coal fired plant outside Baltimore that is scheduled to shut down, which could affect the electricity allotments for 65 million customers, replacements not immediately forthcoming.

Not that matters. Abundant energy leads to a mobile population and it is increasingly in the government interest to begin to keep people confined. That is why people are being forced into limited range electric vehicles. Why oil companies are being starved of investment capital. And why people will need electric heaters, despite how cold things are going to get.


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