KOL'TSO (Ring)
{(KOL'TSO (Ring)}
By November 23rd, 1942, the two converging Soviet thrusts linked up in the town of Kalach on the Don, some miles behind the German Sixth Army, trapping that formation in what became known as the Stalingrad Pocket. As the Sixth Army was then isolated, without means of supply, what remained was the "reduction" of the Pocket. This would require the efforts of three whole fronts (army groups), a total of seven armies altogether. The final attempt to eliminate the Sixth Army began on January 10th, 1943 and endured until February 2nd when the final pocket of German resistance surrendered.
As Sixth Army was facing its doom on the banks of the Volga, so President Biden could be facing his own "encirclement." Speaking on the status of the House Impeachment Inquiry, former House Speaker McCarthy has said that the investigation is coming closer to fruition as more evidence is being released that could finally trigger a Proceeding. It has been the cumulative effect of his policies that have placed him in his current position.
And that position is he is losing to former President Trump. But it is worse. As a second Biden Term is looking increasingly problematic, all the Green New Deal initiatives are being scaled back. The offshore windfarms are being dis-mantled and Ford is beginning to limit its production of electric vehicles. What is this all saying that these Biden green policies are being repudiated ?
President is being compressed on all sides. His age, the reasons why he is being impeached, his noted policy and international failures, how his Democrat Party is becoming less enthusiastic about his candidacy daily. In a word, nothing went right for President Biden ? Now, that being said, does that mean that former President Trump will be the future President Trump ?
Now, the election is about a year away and that is the equivalent of several geologic eras. Trump's polling position today will not be the same on Election Day and the Primary Season has not even started. Anything can happen and probably will. But the same interval will also be marked by President Biden. Like Sixth Army at Stalingrad, Biden is running out of options.
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