Attention Christmas Shoppers !

(Attention Christmas Shoppers !)

It is a spectacle this time of year when one sees toddlers on the lap of a mall Santa, saying they were good all year and give a list of what presents they want for Christmas. Of course, Santa has his agents, namely the child's parents, to go shopping and get what is on the list. Now, depending on a family's financial situation, not every gift on the list can be obtained. Say Johnny gave his list to Santa and mom and look at it and see what is in the Christmas budget.

Johnny wants a closed southern border. There is a toy on the shelf at Walmart that looks like an orange buoy a flotation device for a pool, or an impediment on a river to frustrate un-fettered crossings from the other side. Texas has deployed such buoys along a stretch of the Rio Grande. An appeals court has ordered the things removed, a ruling Texas is challenging. In the meantime. the Lone Star State is expanding this floating barrier and that will be in addition to continued construction of the border wall.

Johnny is hearing a lot on the news about a war in Israel. And in another place called Ukraine. One can see Army Men play in each theater. But these "boxes" are expensive and paying for both could be a problem. Mom and dad have their own preferences. Mom, with Jewish friends at the PTA and dad who plays armchair General with the Ukraine campaign. So, which parent will play with Johnny's toys ?

Santa's Bag might not be that big. More colloquially, the border needs to be secured and Israel and Ukraine need support. But where do vital national interest rise ? Ukraine can be a problem, but Americans are in harms' way now across the Near East. Will the Biden Administration perhaps deal with that first ? Ukraine might need to be placed on a Layaway Plan.

As this is only December 4th, there is still plenty of time to shop for things like border security and Israel/Ukraine funding. The President could be impeached this season and all things that were on Johnny's Christmas list, the President and Congress are dis-agreeing on colors. Fortunately, Washington is upon its Christmas recess where one can shop for all kinds of neat stuff. Like border security and bank-rolling two wars.


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