By The Numbers. . .

(By The Numbers. . .)

As was mentioned the other day, if the Supreme Court confirmed the Colorado Court and that Trump's expulsion from that ballot can stand, that would allow similar judgments in other states with pending cases. If enough ban the former President, then he would have no chance of securing the 270 required Electors and hence he could not become President, again. And, if President Biden is impeached and then removed, the least favorite choices can be removed and Democrats and Republicans can start the Primary Season afresh with new candidates. 

But, in all likelihood, the Supreme Court will be reversing Colorado, it might rule 9-0, and life will go on. So will the race with Trump in his position. However, not everybody is happy with that state of affairs. Of those is Iowa's Governor Kim Reynolds, who is supporting Florida Governor Ron DeSantis. And New Hampshire Governor Chris Sununu, just endorsed Nikky Haley.

Now, one can notice that Iowa is the first Caucus and New Hampshire is the first Primary and it is speaking volumes that the Executives in those states are not endorsing the presumptive front-runner of their own Party. That being said, Trump is still leading in both the Hawkey and Granite States, though Sununu's endorsement of Haley only closed Trump's lead to four points, just outside the margin of error.

The original logic for the candidacies of DeSantis and Haley, and all the other Republican contenders was that Donald Trump could win the GOP Primary but would not be able to beat President Biden. Now, the tables are turned to where it now seems that Biden would not be able to beat Trump. That is the reason why Democrats are looking to replace President Biden.

At this stage of things, is there anybody who can knock Trump off ? Colorado's most recent effort has not the result and if there is any consensus, the Denver Court might be actually helping the Republican insurgent. So, in the end, it is less important who endorses Trump and who does not. The real question is where each will stand come Election Day.

And that, is by the numbers.


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