Hunter Biden was supposed to be deposed by the House Oversight Committee the other day. Instead, he had a public rant in the Capitol Hill parking lot. He saw to lecture the GOP, blaming so-called MAGA elements. He said that his father was not as entwined in his business dealings as has largely been assumed. Then, Hunter went home. He did not go before the Committee and as a result has been ruled in contempt of Congress.

The Congress, at least the Republican House, just voted with 100% of the Conference to expand the Impeachment Inquiry, expand the investigation with more subpoena power to gather more evidence till a point is reached an actual Articles of Impeachment possibly in the spring.

But this whole episode is on a dual track. There is the need to have Hunter Biden face justice but also to impeach his father. The former has been a means to the latter and that relationship, business as well as familial, with contacts in China, Kazakhstan, Romania and of course, Ukraine. In all the fiduciary transactions from all these sources to the tune of millions of dollars. Bribery and influence peddling are all accusations being leveled at the President and, according to the Constitution, high crimes and mis-demeanors.

At least, that is what the House wants to show over the next weeks and that is what the Inquiry affirmation was voted. Will Hunter be compelled to render testimony ? Who will testify for whom ? Which one will testify against the other. Of all the family dramas, the Biden's take the prize.

That being said, Democrats now can seize the opportunity to remove the President without a messy fight at the Convention. It will be un-seemly for Democrats to discard their own President and could depress Democrat turn-out. Once Biden gets removed, a new sleight of candidates can be considered, fight in a Primary, and face the GOP opposite, be it Donald Trump or someone else.


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