Renegade Provinces
(Renegade Provinces)
The image one might have about the Roman Empire is a homogeneous whole that at one stretched from the Pillars of Hercules to Mesopotamia. Its Emperors could be some of the most profound personalities in history, it was inter-connected with its road network, and had a large standing professional army, the instrument of the Empire's advent,
At least, that was the Roman ideal and for a time, it was reality. At some point, however, things began to sour. Rome had an experience with mediocre emperors, legions began rebelling or proclaiming their commanders emperor themselves. One can only imagine how the combat quality of the Roman Army, their defeat at Adrianople by a combination of Goths and Alans. The Emperor Valens was lost. So, "The Glory that had been Rome" had been significantly diminished.
Before the final collapse of the Western Empire in 476 C.E., there had been partitions. The so-called Gallic Empire in the West, comprising the majority of Gaul and the Pymerene Empire in the East, running from Anatolia to Egypt. Eventually, these kingdoms were re-absorbed into the greater Empire but the under-lying stresses that had always been present with an Empire of that size. If the emperor was not "a profound personality of history," the alternative was mediocre administration.
Like the Gallic or Pymerene Empires that broke from Rome, the State of Texas has broken with Washington over immigration policy. Per Biden policy, the southern border has been opened and, after some six million illegal entries since President Biden assumed Office, Texas, aside from continuing the wall, is now self-deporting illegals. As a consequence, Texas is being sued by the Justice Department.
Suing Texas for assuming a federal role ? Texas is the front line and it has been taking the brunt of this un-opposed migration. That is why the newest export from the Lone Star State is illegal aliens. Chicago, LA, New York City, among others, have been purchasing this product in bulk. The Mayors, from Big Apple Adams to Windy City Johnson, are complaining that this Texas export is straining their systems and might be a cause to re-consider the "Sanctuary City" label.
The solution for big cities would be the same for Texas. Stanch the flow of migrants, who are out-numbering border patrol some 200-1. That is saying nothing of the 6,000+ caravan currently making the trip north. So, the ratio will become even more lop-sided. That is leaving Texas with no choice. Either it poses these impediments now, or it will get overrun. And considering Texas' size, that is saying something.
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