This Is The End. . .

(This Is The End. . .)

". . . This the end, beautiful friend. This the end, my only friend, the end. Of our elaborate plans, the end, of everything that stands, the end. No safety, no surprise, the end. I'll never look into your eyes, again."

Good bye, 2023. Within hours, the wheel will have turned and the Times' Square Ball will begin its descent in front of over a million Big Apple revelers (which are assembling as we speak). In any event, here at the end of the year in question, it is appropriate to assess the last twelve months ?

However, this is not an Almanac. This will not be a compendium that runs for pages. The audience here does not have the patience to be here for any great length of time, especially on New Year's Eve. What is best is to recount These Pages over the last 364 Days. One can begin with the Man of the Year according to The (Daily) Vent. This "site" has been on air since 2010 and as a "Commentary on Current Events," the most remarkable thing witnessed had been the rise, then fall, and then to possibly rise again, is Donald Trump.

God knows that the former President has his detractors, rising to a pathology in some. There are reasons why Trump could not secure re-election such as his handling the pandemic, and the forced closure of the economy. It was also evident that a collection of Big Money. Big Media, and Big Tech worked together to place President Biden in Office.  Now that Trump is running again, he is under federal indictment and is being thrown off state Primary Ballots.

Of course, President Biden is the other story of the Year and it has been his failures in all aspects of his Administration that is making Trump's re-surgence in the first place. Biden energy policy, his immigration policy, rampant crime, a sagging economy and because of his international failures, there are two wars underway, with a third promised.

This year is being retired and not a moment too soon. But 2024 is an Election Year with the GOP main contender under Federal indictment, a trial schedule running into Primary Season. On the other hand, President Biden could have Articles of Impeachment reported out of the House by spring. So, looking ahead:

". . .Can you picture, what will be. So limitless and free. Desperately in need of some strangers' hand, in a desperate land !"


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