Who Gets It Worse ?
(Who Gets It Worse ?)
Today, one can open with a bad case of poison Ivy. Equivocal statements from so-called "elite" universitas such as Harvard, University of Pennsylvania, and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology had their respective President's respond to a letter from 72 legislators from both parties that found the leadership of those institutions who seem to be unable to definitively state whether genocide of Jews is not a bad thing ? These university presidents, all women, are confronted by their own polices of diversity, equity and inclusion that do not make moral judgements, think that a broader context is needed instead of a yes or no answer. But, in this case, that is exactly what is required. And, a price is being paid by these universities is accumulating as numerous doners have begun to withdraw the various endowments.
In any event, Hunter Biden has joined Donald Trump in the ranks of those in some legal jeopardy. However, Trump's is a wholly political persecution with hostile jurisdictions seeking to diminish his standing. Trump's holdings in New York and his Palm beach estate have been undervalued. He has been charged with fraud where there is none. That being said, the former President needs to be found not-guilty but it will only take one guilty verdict, regardless of circumstances.
Hunter Biden on the other hand has committed statutorily violations, not just in tax evasion but indeed as perhaps a foreign agent. Younger Biden was protected for as long as he was able and even the Special Prosecutor, David Weiss, allowed Junior every opportunity up to an including the so-called "sweetheart" deal that had been offered some months ago and reflected by that Delaware judge. On some charges, the statute of limitations was allowed to expire. What brought the nine indictments out of California the other day derived from the testimony from the IRS whistleblowers that had been before Congress a few months ago.
As was mentioned, the total incarceration time from all nine counts on Hunter Biden is seventeen years. The total prison time that Trump could receive is 700 years behind bars. Who then is getting off ? But any consideration of Hunter Biden has to be made in the context of how it affects his Father.
But Donald Trump wants to be President again and how will Hunter's situation contribute to that scenario ? That assumes, however, that Joe Biden will remain the Democrat Nominee but if he gets removed, then what happens to the Hunter Biden prosecution ? For that matter, what happens to the Trump Campaign ?
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