Cantonese Vs Sheshayan

(Cantonese Vs Sheshayan)

Many Chinese can speak English. Americans on the other hand only know what they read off the menu at their favorite Chinese restaurant. There are generally two types of Chinese fare. Cantonese that makes use of fried rice among other dishes and Sheshayan which makes use of white rice. The chain P.F. Changs is largely a Sheshayan restaurant. Another Chinese restaurant, Ding How, Chinese for "very good," generally serves Cantonese.

Taiwan just elected its next President, William Lai, or Ching Ti in Chinese. He is the candidate for the Democrat Progressive Party and he was able to beat his rival, from the Kuomintang no less, by seven points. Lai is the anti-China choice, standing firm against forced re-unification with the Mainland.

Naturally, Lai is not the preferred candidate of Beijing but he obviously is the candidate for Taipei. The Chinese Communist Party made the mistake of telegraphing its intentions so clearly. Re-unification will become a reality as told to President Biden by Premier Xi Jinping in San Francisco some months ago.

Ethnically, the people of China and Taiwan are Chinese but the vote in Taiwan indicated that the national identity of the Island is of the Island. In other words, Residents of Taiwan consider themselves Taiwanese. The problem for the Mainland is that Taiwan's "democracy" contravenes the governing imperative of the Chinese Communist Party. An alternative to that cannot be tolerated.

The Taiwan election and Beijing's reaction are only half the story. If China moves against Taiwan, what will the reaction of Washington and President Biden ? He is attempting a limited response against Iranian proxies in Yemen and is falling short. An opposed Taiwan Strait landing would be a significantly more complex operation.

If the U.S. actively intervenes in Sino-Formosan conflict, the two China solution will have gone the way of the so-called two-state Israel-Palestine solution that now is dissolving in Gaza. So, looking at a map, there are two active and one possible theater of operations. How things began to resolve themselves will depend on how willing the President is willing to act.


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