Heroic Efforts.. .

(Heroic Efforts. . .)

At what point does one capitulate ? When is the reality of a situation become so final that these is little utility in continued participation. That being said, some situations have to be played to the bitter end. Why is Ron DeSantis and Nikki Haley still in the Presidential race ? The original logic for both campaigns has been dispelled. All the assumptions of Trump's viability as a candidate, that he could not beat President Biden required so-called Trump alternatives that, at the time, were the only ones who could defeat Biden.

Then came Iowa. Nea Hampshire is next week with Trump at 50%, Haley at 33%. The revised thinking is that the former South Carolina Governor needs to run the tables in the Granite State and she has the endorsement of that state's Governor as well as that of the Peoples' Republic if Vermont, who ironically has a Republican Governor in Montpelier, Phil Scott. Like Sununu in Concord, who is also no fan of Trump either, he is backing Governor Haley. 

Will that be sufficient to match Trump ? What will happen when the results are read next Tuesday and Trump had maintained his lead and wins ? For his part DeSantis is already in South Carolina, bypassing New Hampshire altogether. South Carolina Senator, Tim Scott, has endorsed Trump over has own Governor, So, where does Haley run ?

This is the last-ditch effort for both Haley and DeSantis. If Governor Haley fails to "over-perform" in New Hampshire, if the Trump margin still clocks at double digits, then any justification of Haley's continued effort is negated. The same situation can be said for Governor DeSantis, after South Carolina if the former President wins there as well.

The remaining question will Trump be able to unite the Party after what has been a vicious campaign ? There invariably is bad feeling and personality clashes. Trump tried to be magnanimous to his competitors after Iowa but their campaigns continued regardless. So, Trump had to respond, saying Haley would be needing Democrat votes to effectively compete in New Hampshire.

To conclude, the anti-Trump faction has come up short. Their efforts, while not successful were necessary. It has been demonstrated that Trump has more in the Republican Party that was not previously detected. This new position of Trump's as the GOP peoples' choice at the moment now required is Party consolidation. Republicans learn to hang together, or they will hang separately.


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