Inter-Necine What ?

(Internecine What ?)

People always remember when they were younger that there was always a boy, or girl, that insisted on playing the game they wanted to play and if they did not get their way, they would take their "ball" so to speak and go home. In this case, it is the New Hampshire Democratic Party, and in defiance of the Democratic National Committee, who has resolved to hold the first Primary in South Carolina.

Altering the Democrat nominating process in this manner is an insult to New Hampshire. It is  a rejection of tradition, going back decades. The Palmetto State has been chosen to go first because Congressman Clyburn (D-SC) has been credited with resurrecting Joe Biden's campaign in 2020. So, as compensation, South Carolina was deemed to be placed in front of New Hampshire. To the obvious chagrin of the Granite State.

New Hampshire's Democratic Primary will be held January 23rd. The Democrat National Committee, however, has said that any votes cast would be "non-binding." In other words. if the State holds its Primary on schedule, any votes cast would not count. New Hampshire voters, of either Party, are fiercely independent and take its role of first Primary state in any Presidential election very seriously and if the National Party wants to pre-emp them like some TV show, what would that do to New Hampshire voter turn-out in this all critical election.

However, what happens if Joe Biden is removed from the ballot, an increasing possibility. What will that do to South Carolina's primacy timetable ? Things are not as simple as placing a name on the ballot, just as Donald Trump. These have to be printed ahead of time so the right name can be checked. The longer the question of who the Democrat Nominee remains un-resolved, the more difficult that will be.

The cleavage within the Republican Party remains the extent of Donald Trump's support versus his opposition. At least Trump is defined and he will be present throughout the election cycle. The Democrats have a more profound problem, however. If Democrats plan to Caucus in Iowa next week, but then skip New Hampshire in preference for South Carolina, that will set the stage for the remainder, until November. Like people are not confused enough. 


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