Trump's OTHER Campaign

(Trump's OTHER Campaign)

One of the more serious infractions committed by President Trump and why he had to be removed in 2020 is what more damage he could do to the Supreme Court. Trump was able to seat three Nominees to the High Bench and if his Administration had continued, he could have been able to seat a fourth, in place of Associate Justice Jackson. Four so-called "conservatives" would have sealed a 6-3 Majority, the wild card possibly being the Chief Justice himself.

As it happens, there is a case on the Supreme Court docket that is all but tailor made for a Trump inspired Court. Basically, New Jersey fishing vessels go out, attempt to secure their catch, and come back. Accompanying these trips is an observer from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, NOAA, who gets paid $700 per sortie, regardless if there were any fish caught. The argument is that a fisherman with no fish and hence no income should not have to also pay the NOAA bureaucrat. So, the industry sued, and the case is now in front of SCOTUS.

This practice has been in play for decades so, if it gets reversed, in a sense Trump is speaking from beyond the grave. So to speak. There is precedent. Some months ago, the Court ruled against the EPA in its case against West Virginia. If that pattern holds, then the NOAA rule could also be overturned.

The unfortunate thing of the Supreme Court in rendering its Decisions is that one has to wait till summer for the Ruling to be announced. This case, the possible reversal of the so-called Chevron Doctrine, all 9 Justices need that time for deliberation and the drafting of the actual text and releasing it to the public. Long time to wait.

The Chevron Ruling, whatever it might be and if gets decided in mid-summer, that would be the middle of the 2024 Campaign and if Chevron is struck down, Donald Trump will be sure to comment. By that time. Trump might be the Republican Nominee, or at least at the point where his Delegate count would prove un-surmountable. and if Chevron goes away, Trump will be able to say that he contributed to the demise of that department in NOAA.

More environmentally themed cases are bound to be litigated. Based on West Virginia and then Chevron, assuming it gets reversed, one would be able to discern a trend that the Court, going forward, will be less inclined to rule in favor of federal power. That trend will be even more magnified if Trump becomes President again.


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