Who's Bigger Than U.S. Steel ?
(Who's Bigger Than U.S. Steel ?)
Hyman Roth was Jewish gangster, a close associate of "Godfather," Vito Corleone. When the elder Corleone passed, and the Family Business passed to Michael Corleone, Roth began to maneuver against the younger "Don." At the time, the Batista regime in Cuba was allowing crime organizations to conduct business in an unmolested manner. As Roth put it, "they had what they always had needed. A government that would allow them to collect their profits without some interference." Then, in a conversation with Michael Corlone, Roth made the remark, "We're bigger than U.S. Steel."
U.S. Steel, such as it is, will now get a "Made in Japan" label. This company that can trace its origins to Andrew Carnegie himself, instead of selling itself to a domestic steel producing concern, U.S. Steel is being bought by a Japanese consortium. The reason ? The two steel manufacturing concerns could result in an almost monopolistic control of production. As that is the case, and Biden Admiration regulations so dictate the sale to Japan.
In looking for logic in Biden policy, one might as well tilt at windmills. In another announcement, equally outrageous, the Biden Administration has just cancelled permitting for an enormous LNG (liquid natural gas) terminal in Louisiana. In a bow to the green stranglehold on the President, all the benefits in exporting this material, all the jobs, do not seem to be a concern. Another jerk reaction in the face of fanatics.
If Donld Trump gets re-elected, he would readily approve that terminal. As a part of "drill baby drill," not only would natural gas be extracted but a crash course in petroleum exploration and exploitation. The only green from is this policy change would be the original meaning, money.
This is the point yet. That could be the future. For now, one must subsist in the present. That is the present where a President allows an American institution to be sold to the Japanese. A President that cannot see the benefits of what the largest LNG terminal in the world would be. One could ask the opinion of Hyman Roth. Unfortunately, Roth was shot in the Idlewild airport.
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