A Decreasing Number

(A Decreasing Number)

Former President Donald Trump has won the South Carolina Primary with former Governor Nikki Haley coming in a distant second. Super Tuesday is only a few weeks away and if Trump does well ? It might not matter if Trump is re-elected. In all likelihood, however, the House will no longer be under Republican control.

The current House GOP Majority is proving the gang who can't shoot straight. Its potential and promise were squandered in destructive in-Party conflict that ousted previous Speaker McCarthy and now is abandoning its governing by "regular order" where each of the twelve appropriations bills would be passed independently. If there was supposed to be a unifying factor for which the Republican Conference could operate in unified fashion, it would have been the ability to schedule and pass these Appropriations measures.

The House has become its own toxic working environment. Several Members, including Committee Chair-People, are considering retiring. The same thing happened as Trump's first Mid-Term when there had been a mass exodus of Members who did not know the ramifications of a Trump Presidency. Now, that there might be another one, and there is less ignorance of Trump.

When Republicans lose the House this time, it will be because they have proven that they cannot govern. They cannot but get out-maneuvered by Democrats. They cannot take a stand on spending. With the excuse that the Senate and the White House are in Democrat hands, inaction or less than action is all the House GOP Conference can manage.

And these are the people who think they can impeach President Biden ?


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