Another Brick In The Wall

(Another Brick In The Wall)

The British band Pink Floyd is an institution. Its album "Dark Side of the Moon" is the most bought record in history, staying on the charts for an incredible fourteen years. That being said, however, it was their work on the follow-up album "The Wall" and the eponymously named track: "on and on it was, another brick in the wall."

Today is the Michigan Primary. Former President Trump is expected to do well, and, for former South Carolina Governor, Nikki Haley, Michigan could be "another brick in the wall" to her campaign. Her continued participation is moving from the sublime to the absurd. For the moment, she has a bank-roll, she is maintaining GOP Establishment support, for the moment, That being said, there is an increasingly less of an imperative to find a Trump alternative.

The Motor State, such as it is, is in a state of flux. The union heavy auto-industry helped reverse the state "right to work" laws, promoted under Republican administrations, now that Lansing is dominated by Democrats, union control was re-asserted. Going forward, if one wants to work for the Big Three, Ford, GM, and they who used to be called Chrysler, membership in the UAW is now mandatory.

With such a strong Democrat presence, one would think that President Biden would be welcome in Michigan. The Great Lakes State however has a large Muslim population and it has not been enthusiastic about the President's position on Israel's reduction of Hamas in Gaza. Congresswoman Rachida Tlaib has been one of the more vocal critics of Biden and has suggested that, like was an option in New Hampshire, that a "none of the above" or a write in campaign.

Michigan is the new battleground, not just between Trump and Haley, not just between a right to work state or a union shop, between Tlaib's threat to hold support for Biden and what effect that could have in November ? 


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