Preventative Measures

(Preventative Measures)

In a scenario not thinkable only months ago, former President Donald Trump could become future President Donald Trump. Like any measure that comes from a hostile take-over, which in essence is what Trump is attempting, certain departments seek to re-structure so the axe, if there is one, so the effects could be ameliorated. One of the things that the prospective 47th President has promised is to "drain the swamp." The translation is it is Trump's intention to place limits on the federal bureaucracy. However, the tons of pages that comprise the Federal Registry, all the rules, regulations and the thousands of federal employees. All those have civil service protection, however, and it is extremely difficult to terminate these people, even though their roles might be redundant or otherwise in-efficient.

Donald Trump wants to make the federal bureaucracy a "right to work" environment but the federal registry is a "union shop." And steps are being taken to keep things status quo. To that end, steps are being taken to impede any wholesale reduction of any department by adding additional protections for federal employees. Who, incidentally, generally vote Democratic.

If one were to think that any new Trump Administration would be any different from the old Trump Administration can point to this. This time, a Trump 47 knows how the game is played, He knows where the bodies are buried, so to speak. That being said, his opposition is more aware as well and the efforts to are just as involved, if not more so, between the various Trump trials and now the adjustment to federal work rules.

This time, however, there is no TMZ sex tape. There will be no Steele dossier and no collusion with Moscow. Ukraine is already occupied so no "perfect phone call" with its President, so no other Trump impeachment. If Trump is to be challenged, perhaps it will lead to Trump's third impeachment,

This November election will be the most consequential. That was what was said about 2020 and even 2016. Preparations are being made for the eventuality, so the "struggle" continues. Free Pay Per View !


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