CORONA Is Not Just A Beer

(CORONA Is Not Just A Beer)

Most people can tell you that Dominic Toretto all but mainlines Corona. That being said, as the Eclipse progresses today, a stretch of the country, provided the weather cooperates, could see the moon completely obscure the Sun, its Halo, or what is referred as the Corona, will be quite visible as the Sun's glare is reduced.

Next to Taylor Swift, the Sun is the most studied star and the corona is the most interesting part. The actual surface of the Sun is only some 10,000° F, temperatures in the corona can reach over one million. That dis-parity remains a mystery but with the potential with today's occlusion, and all the glasses and other instruments, the data retrieved should be a benefit and a blast to see.

In times past, eclipses were seen as harbingers, How many Emperors and Kings and their various sooth sayers, who as resident "experts" were supposed to advise the monarch on what course of action he or she should take, That could prove significant if some military endeavor was anticipated. If it was a battlefield success, then the eclipse event could be seen as a good omen. The "gods," such as they were, would seem pleased. If it was a negative outcome, then the opposite was believed.

It is appropriate that this Eclipse is taking place in an Election Year and that could in turn be a harbinger on its own. Whom might the gods favor this time ? Both candidates, Biden and Trump, have had interesting weeks. Beginning with Trump, who had a record fund raising event of his own. He clarified a position on abortion. He is also maintaining a lead where it counts. And finally, Trump has largely had the GOP has coalesced around the presumptive Republican Nominee.

In contrast, President Biden is seeking a back door to re-election. He has been in Wisconsin saying he will further reduce student loan debt to a bunch of college kids in Madison, and that is contravening direct Supreme Court rulings. And there is some talk that Biden will encourage Fed Chairman Powell to cut interest rates, whether or not it is warranted by economic conditions.

For the most part, the eclipse has moved on. One can ask, how many observers were out on a lawn chair with glasses in one hand, and a Corona in the other ?


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