Funny Money ?

(Funny Money ?)

The White House Correspondents Dinner was held the other night. That is when the Washington Media establishment gather with the President and attempt to be funny. SNL Alum Colin Yost was the MC and of his "jokes" were supposed to have air, he would have four flat tires. Biden himself tried to be funny, taking the usual shots at his age and Trump troubles and failing most with Yost.

That being said, the lack of humor at the WHCD belies a more serious problem, not just for Democrats but the wider country as well. The Israel-Hamas War has uncovered a virulent form of anti-Israel and anti-Semitism sentiments. As is being demonstrated on college campuses nationwide, calls for a cease fire, support for Hamas and the destruction of Israel. In this country where chants of even "Death to America" are being heard. In this country of all places ! What is perhaps more disturbing, however, is these displays have moved beyond public protest and into an insidious activism that will over time fester and evolve into criminal activity.

Such operations are not spontaneous. To get the tents, the bull horn and other aspects to keep a anti-Israel demonstration on some collage yard. Like so many other things, such activity takes money. The question is "who's" money ? What source of funding would promote anti American and anti-Israeli feeling ? There are a number of examples of individuals and organizations. but activist and billionaire George Soros comes first to mind.

It is Soros that has been bank-rolling campaigns of candidates of District Attorney who are generally soft on crime. He would then have no aversion to supporting Hamas at the expense of Israel. Beyond Soros, what Hamas itself ? Why, does it always seem the case that the bad guys always seem to have all the money ? In Rocky IV, Sylvester Stallone had to train in Siberia while Ivan Drago had a great gym.

There might be two sides to every argument as the President has said. The main difference here is that there is one point of view that is consistent with American values. That is support for Israel, support in its efforts to eradicate Hamas and fully condemn the terror groups' own genocide. And for all those that continue to be contrarian to the point of absurdity, remember this. A punk is still a punk.


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