In Pursuit Of Mediocrity
(In Pursuit Of Mediocrity)
People only need to look around and see that everyone is a (expletive delegated) up. Be it anti-Semitic protests at Columbia and elsewhere, be it President Biden further anti-gas-powered vehicle or be House Republicans about to lose another speaker, no one seems to be getting anything right. One can start at the so-called Ivy League institution of Columbia University where people are spending tens of thousands so students can go protest events in the Israel-Hamas conflict.
The ignorance of these people can be astounding. There is no appreciation of history or geography but because they might some flash-mob alert on their phones, they know to congregate at some location and chant the appropriate rant. And, as always, were one to explain details, like might one support the execution of Christians and other such atrocities, support suddenly becomes "moderated." In any event, such displays become tiresome.
Something that is also becoming tiresome is Biden's continued war on fossil fuels and on the internal combustion engine. By his new mandate, all cars must be "electric" by 2030. There is another group with questionable funding sources that wants to eliminate gas stoves. How long must this environmental lunacy be indulged ? If Biden loses in November, all his regulations will be repealed but what of all these external interests ? What will they do to not lose their influence ?
Finally, how many times must Conservative House Republicans throw this or that tantrum and again cross a Rubicon with a threat to oust Speaker Johnson ? The latest complaint is the House passing a Senate foreign aid bill, that had funding for Israel and Ukraine and even some for Taiwan. But Johnson could get nothing for further securing the southern border and that is why he is in trouble.
And it is also going without saying that the Trump trial has to be another example of things off the rail. The jury has been empaneled but the outcome still cannot be in doubt. No juror in this City will not vote to convict.
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