Insidious. . .

(Insidious. . .)

Articles of Impeachment for Homeland "Security" Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas have been voted out of the House and were duly "walked" over to the Senate for Trial. Right now, these have been several "procedural" votes along Party lines, some Articles declared un-Constitutional, a resistance on the Part of Democrats to move to a "closed door" session. And, in the end, in all likelihood, Mayorkas will be keeping his job. He broke the law. He, along with the President, have advocated for an open border and all the human and drug trafficking that came with it.

By design. People are always screaming about so-called MAGA Republicans, a movement so dangerous that the champion has to be kept in a courtroom instead of his son's graduation. Trump should go regardless but what of the other side of the ledger ? Extremism is just as insidious on the left as everyone thinks it is on the right

Who is seeing fit to smash and grab items in a store ? Who is out protesting on behalf of Palestinians and condemning Israel with calls of genocide ? Who is out yelling Death to America ? Where is President Biden ? All the aforementioned groups will possibly be voting for him in the fall. That being said, where is Donald Trump in all this ? Once court was adjourned for the day, with seven jurors now seated, Trump went down to Harlem and visited a Bodega where some months ago, a would be robber was confronted by the proprietor who defended his establishment. In short, the would be perpetrator was ended. As a result, the owner spent three months in Rikers. Trump then made an appearance in which the crowd, in Harlem, appreciated.

It would also go without saying that Trump would be approaching China and Iran differently. Trump will not raise taxes in contrast to the President. At the core, Trump will seek to promote economic growth while Biden will engage in class warfare. His tax plan is sufficient evidence. The question Biden has to answer is where he stands on disrupting traffic on bridges and airport boulevards ?


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