Intended Consequences

(Intended Consequences)

For those Readers who live in the Tri-State area, who had the earthquake this morning, just be still. 

There is a postulate called the Law of Un-Intended Consequences. Basically, it says that even with the best intentions, negative results sometimes happen. However, there are also instances when a negative result is precisely the desired outcome. Like with the Israel-Hamas war where the Biden Administration continues to press for an all but unilateral ceasefire on the part of Israel. In California, the new $20/HR minimum wage is wreaking havoc on the fast food industry. And finally, after depleting the Strategic Petroleum Reserve, oil has now become too expensive.

How many times must the Biden Administration think it can influence Israeli affairs ? How many times must Israel ignore it. Threats from the President have become redundant at this point but is Biden really prepared to cut Israel loose ? In the middle of the greatest crisis Israel is facing since the Holocaust, will the U.S. abandon its Jewish ally to shore up votes in Michigan and elsewhere ?

The minimum wage has been a gimmick played by Democrats for decades. When people get conned by Party officials to vote on a referendum, like was passed in the Golden State recently, but, in the long run, does more harm than good and places the very people it is meant to help at risk. Especially with fast food chains, there is a concurrent rise in prices and a decrease in staff. For those that remain, at this rate, own could make $ 30,000 a year. One hears of a living wage but that is ridiculous. 

It is something of an embarrassment that in the grossly short-sighted drawing down of the SPR for political purposes. Couple that with Biden's new student loan forgiveness plan and a 300,000+ jobs report from this morning, but the majority were either government positions or part timers. Hardly a sign of a vibrant economy. But if the Reserve remains down now what will happen when a real emergency materializes and there is an in-sufficient supply, far from being able to stabilize prices but, this would be another example of an intended consequence. 

The November Election is little more than 200 days away but one can expect that going forward, so-called intended consequences will continue. Donald Trump might be ahead in the polls but Democrats continue to have mechanisms in place to limit the damage. How those perform will determine the ultimate outcome.


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