The Way Of Things. . .

(The Way Of Things. . .)

In 1981, the Israeli Air Force stuck an Iraqi nuclear reactor complex at Osirak. If the facility were completed, Iraq, and its strongman Saddam Hussein, would have the ability to produce nuclear weapons for ready use against both Israel and even Iran. That explains Israel's pre-emptive action. However, Tel Aviv (at the time) did not inform Washington and the Reagan Administration was embarrassed. Then U.N. Ambassador, Jeanne Kirkpatrick even went as far as to condemn Isael's action. These "public" statements, however, belie the reality that a nuclear Iraq was not desirable.

In a recent Israel strike in Syria, the Iranian Embassy in Damascus as it was, the Israeli Air Force apparently killed a senior Iranian military commander. The Iranian military, namely its Quds force, has had a continuing presence in Syria to aid proxy forces in Hezbollah. The Iranian that was killed was named Mohammad Reza Zahedi and he was perhaps the highest ranking Iranian in Syria. Naturally, Tehran has said there will be consequences. But, like Osirak, there was no effort to inform the White House. The way of things.

On the other side of the world, and also a reflection of the way of things, Donald Trump had been able to post that $175 million bond. Trump complained that this shouldn't have happened. This is election interference. Of course it is. It has to be. The former President who could also become the next President could not have an un-impeded path back to the Oval Office. So, legal and political obstacles have been placed in his path.

There has always been a preferred way of doing things. The powers that be dis-courage innovation. Dissent is seldom tolerated. When the mold gets broken, however, like when Israel attacks Damascus, taking an action independent of any American input and which resulted in the death of a senior Iranian official or Donald Trump posting that bond and complaining about election interference. But what is the alternative ?

If President Biden were a stronger individual, and showed that he had Israel's best interest at heart, Jerusalem could be motivated to inform the President. As is known, however, Biden wants Israel to engage in a cease fire with Hamas remaining viable. He wants to have Prime Minister Netanyahu replaced. There is therefore no reason to tell the President anything.

The Biden weakness is also the reasoning to persecute Trump on all levels. Even with the extensive Democrat voting machine infrastructure, Biden continues to trail his predecessor, a margin made worse with Robert F. Kennedy's participation. That, however, is not changing the fact that a regime has been in place that is discouraging dis-ruption. Israel and Trump collectively represent challenges to this regime.


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