Clear & Present Dangers.. . .

(Clear & Present Dangers.. . .)

One can recall the Stanley Kramer classic Inherit the Wind, a dramatized version of the "Scopes Monkey Trial." In the film, Spencer Tracy (Henry Drummond) faced off with Fredrick March (Matthew Harrison Brady). The trial centered on a high school teacher who was giving instruction on "Evolution," illegal in the fundamentalist Hillsboro County. Sensing an opportunity, Nebraska politician, Mathew Harrison Brady (March), offered his services to the prosecution. To counter, a newspaper correspondent (Gene Kelly) says his paper will pay for the "defense" of defendant, high school teacher, Bert Cates. The advocate for Cates was Henry Drummond (Tracy). To make a long story short, as Tracy was stating his case in the defense of Cates, any evidence based on an "explanation of evolution."

In the Trump hush money case, like all the dis-allowed material on the Theory of Evolution, so Judge Juan Merchan is dis-allowing witnesses critical to the defense, like Mr. Smith of the Federal Election Commission. However, it is worse. Merchan is constructing an infrastructure where the jury can vote guilty. In a sleight of hand, the jurors were able to hear and possibly conclude that some crime was indeed committed by the former President. In essence, the Judge has given a green light for a Trump guilty verdict.

From the beginning, people have under-estimated the Crusade against Trump. There are claims of election interference because there has to be. For the raid on Mar-A-Lago, "deadly force was authorized" on the chance that Donald Trump's Secret Service detail could be seen as his own Pretorian Guard, set to possibly engage FBI agents upon entry to the Estate.

Equally absurd, yet equally predictable, after over a week of "deliberations," that will not be used to deliberate, the jury in Trump's trial reconvenes and will be following the Judges' "instructions." which in the end will mean a guilty verdict for the former President. This is what is known. What is not known is the effect it will have on the race ?

President Biden delivers two addresses to black audiences that have been universally panned and even when he had a teleprompter, Biden still needed nine revisions. For his part, Donald Trump will be making remarks in the South Bronx tomorrow with a permitted crowd size of 3,500. It will be interesting to see how many more might make an appearance. An indication perhaps of possible electoral strength Trump has in the Big Apple.

Otherwise, the Die is cast. As a part of that Crusade against Trump, by the end of next week, thirteen people, Judge Marchan and the twelve jurors will vote to convict Donald Trump because there is no alternative. Will the case be abrogated on appeal, probably. The damage will have been done, however. How many so-called "independents" will abandon the former President because a criminal cannot allowed to be in the White House again. Present company notwithstanding,


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