In Maniacal Pursuit

(In Maniacal Pursuit)

"The weekends at the collage didn't turn out like you planned, the things you take for knowledge I can't understand."

"Are you reeling in the years ?"

So say those classic 1970's anti-heroes Steely Dan from their album, "Can't Buy a Thrill." Like the guy who went to college for the weekend, and is confusing people otherwise, so one can say over the Trump trial. Both Stormy Daniels and Micheal Cohen have testified or are in the process of testifying and yet have not ties the former President to any serious illegality. There are now suggestions that the whole proceeding be terminated because this effort to compromise Domald Trump is having an opposite effect. He will still probably be found guilty and see some time incarcerated but the case has not been proved but, because of this maniacal pursuit of President Biden's challenger, Trump has done nothing but prosper.

On a related note, during a debate between then President Trump and then Vice President Biden, the latter made the comment that he was determined to "end fossil fuels." He has pursued dual tracks on this issue. The first is obviously his instance that all be some shade of green within a few years. The other is increasing regulation on the ability to exploit the reserves in place. The Permian Bssin in Texas is probably the largest petroleum formation in the world, not just domestically.

Today, the President announced a 100% on Chinese EV's as well as significant levies on various components. While the Peoples' Republic has all the rare earth materials, components for electric vehicles in the first place, like Permian has all the oil, such a tax should be able to stabilize the U.S. market. That is a market, however where EV's are not popular. However, if President Biden is not returning to oil and he isn't, he is depriving the vey people of a livelihood at the time he would need their vote.

On the converse, Donald Trump, should he return to Office and his "drill-baby-drill" mantra will convert the Permian and all other sources of oil into a grand exploration/exploitation network. Arctic reserves beyond the North Slope could out pace even the Permian, provided means are discovered of how to economically extract it. Trump's own pursuit ?

That has yet to be determined.


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