Leopold Made A Friend !

(Leopold Made A Friend !)

It is a new dawn in security relations for Northeast Asia as Russian President Vladmir Putin landed in DPRK, North Korea's Capitol, Pyongyang, meeting with Premier Kim Jung Un. In combination with China and now Iran, the four powers can offer an effective foil against the USA, perhaps soon under new management. One thing to say for certain, is if the next President is again Donald Trump, starting with the Putin visit to North Korea, each of these new regimes will find a renewed relationship with Trump in marked contrast to the Biden years. Frist thing to expect is that President Trump will be renewing sanctions against China, he will place restrictions on Iranian oil, possibly bankrupting that regime once again.

Un-finished business from four years ago but what and if there is to be s new security arrangement, Trump has said that he has good personal relationships with the leaders involved. Trump has been friends with Putin, and Xi and even Kim Jong Un. As for the mullahs of the Islamis Republic, a renewed Trump would preclude any return by Tehran. In short, Trump can deal with all these.

There will be only four years this term and hopefully time for Trump to be able to reverse Biden. What Trump will not be is an amateur but one can assume that he will be able to negotiate with people he has known. That would include Vladimir Putin and Kim Jong Un. A new President Trump Administration will be active and is already making approaches to other leaders.

But Putin has gone to see Kim Jong Un as a recognition of Trump's potential. That will apply to China and Iran. Seeing how things develop, things will have a different feel going forward. 


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